What Is the Best Time of Year to Visit Puerto Escondido for Good Weather?


If you're considering a trip to Puerto Escondido, you might wonder when you'd experience the best weather for your beach adventures or exploring the town. Typically, the period from November to April marks the dry season, characterized by mild temperatures and scarce rainfall—ideal for outdoor activities. However, each month within this window offers subtle differences in weather conditions that could significantly influence your plans. For instance, the cooler early months might suit you if you prefer less intense sun. But why is this timing crucial for maximizing your experience in Puerto Escondido? Let's look closer at what each part of the season has to offer.

Overview of Puerto Escondido Climate

Puerto Escondido features a tropical savanna climate, distinguished by a dry winter season and an average yearly maximum temperature of 86°F. Analyzing the climate data, you'll notice this area experiences significant variations in precipitation and temperature throughout the year. The annual rainfall totals about 67.3 inches, primarily concentrated in the rainy season, which spans from May to October. During this period, the humidity and precipitation levels are high, creating lush, verdant landscapes but also potentially disrupting travel plans with frequent rainstorms.

In contrast, the dry season occurs from November through April. During these months, rainfall is minimal, and the weather is predominantly sunny and warm. This shift in conditions is crucial for planning activities, as the reduced precipitation greatly enhances outdoor and water-based experiences. The average temperature remains fairly consistent due to the region's tropical setting, ensuring warmth even during the dry season.

Understanding these climate dynamics is vital for scheduling your visit. You should weigh the pros and cons of visiting during the rainy season against the dry season, considering how each period aligns with your preferences for temperature and precipitation.

Best Months for Sunny Weather

If you're seeking abundant sunshine during your visit, the optimal months to explore Puerto Escondido are January, February, March, April, and December. During these months, you'll encounter minimal rainfall and maximum sunshine, enhancing your experience whether you're sunbathing, surfing, or exploring local attractions.

Statistically, these months provide the ideal temperature and weather conditions for visiting Puerto Escondido. With clear skies predominating, you'll enjoy outdoor activities without the interruption of rain. This period is marked by warm, yet not oppressively hot temperatures, making it comfortable for exploring the vibrant streets and beautiful beaches of Puerto Escondido.

Choosing to visit during these months aligns with the best time to visit for those who prioritize sunny weather. You'll benefit from the longer daylight hours and less cloud cover, which are perfect for photography, sightseeing, and enjoying the natural landscapes.

Rainfall Patterns by Month

As you plan your visit, note that May marks the start of the wet season in Puerto Escondido, characterized by regular but sporadic showers interspersed with sunny days. This transitional period can bring about a mix of weather patterns, which you should consider while packing for your trip.

Here's a breakdown of the rainfall patterns you can expect:

  1. Start of the Wet Season: May signals the onset of the wet season, with rainfall becoming more frequent towards the end of the month. You'll find the weather alternating between sunny spells and sudden showers.
  2. Sporadic Showers: During May, the showers aren't continuous but occur in short, intense bursts. These can be quite heavy, so it's wise to have an umbrella or rain jacket handy.
  3. Intensity of Rainfalls: Some days in May witness significant thunderstorms that can unload inches of rain within minutes, leading to temporary waterlogging but also quick clear-ups.
  4. Variability: Despite being one of the rainiest months, May still offers many perfectly sunny days, making it a month of unpredictable but manageable weather conditions.

Understanding this rainfall pattern will help you prepare appropriately for both the rain and the shine during your stay in Puerto Escondido.

Daily Temperature Averages

Considering the temperature trends, you'll find that daily averages in Puerto Escondido typically range from 22°C to 30°C throughout the year. Analyzing the average daily temperature helps pinpoint the best time to go based on your comfort preferences.

In the winter months, particularly January, the average daily temperature hovers around 29°C, suggesting a warm climate that defies the typical winter chill found in many other destinations. This makes Puerto Escondido an attractive winter getaway for those seeking warmer weather.

As spring approaches, May presents a slight variation with daily temperatures oscillating between 26°C and 30°C. This range offers a balanced climate, not too hot for outdoor activities but still pleasantly warm for beach visits.

Moving into the hotter summer months, August records temperatures ranging from 24°C to a consistent 30°C. The warmth intensifies, making it ideal for those who prefer higher temperatures for beach activities and water sports.

Tourist Seasons and Crowds

Tourist seasons in Puerto Escondido significantly impact both crowd density and accommodation costs, with the high season attracting the most visitors. To plan your visit effectively, consider the following breakdown of tourist seasons:

  1. High Season (Mid-December to Mid-January, Semana Santa in April): This period sees the highest influx of tourists. The festive atmosphere is palpable, but so are the crowds and spiked accommodation prices. It's essential to book early if you're visiting during these peak times.
  2. Low Season (July to October): Known as the best months to visit if you're looking to save money and avoid crowds. The low season in Puerto offers a more relaxed ambiance, making it ideal for those who prefer a quieter vacation.
  3. Shoulder Seasons (June and September): These months mark transitions between the high and low seasons. They offer a balance of decent weather and moderate tourist traffic, providing a great opportunity for those who seek fewer tourists without the isolation of the off-peak months.
  4. Year-Round Viability: Puerto Escondido is welcoming any time of the year, depending on your tolerance for crowds and budget constraints. Each season offers a unique charm and set of activities, tailored to diverse traveler needs.

Accommodation Price Trends

Accommodation prices in Puerto Escondido fluctuate significantly with the seasons, reaching their peak from mid-December to mid-January and during Semana Santa in April. During these high seasons, you'll find that prices can soar due to increased demand from both international tourists and domestic visitors celebrating the holidays. To navigate this peak pricing, booking your accommodation well in advance is advisable, as it not only secures your stay but often captures better rates.

Conversely, the low season, spanning from July to October, presents a prime opportunity for budget-conscious travelers. During these months, accommodation prices in Puerto Escondido drop substantially. This dip correlates with fewer tourists and generally wetter weather, which lessens the appeal for some travelers but can be a boon if you're seeking fewer crowds and more affordable lodging options.

It's crucial to consider these trends when planning your trip to Puerto Escondido. Opting for the low season can significantly reduce your expenses, whereas the high season offers more vibrant town activity at a higher cost. Regardless of when you decide to visit, early reservations are recommended to best manage costs and availability.

Travel Tips for Optimal Weather

To maximize your experience in Puerto Escondido, aim to visit between November and March when the weather is most favorable, with consistent, warm temperatures and minimal rainfall.

Here's a breakdown to guide your planning:

  1. Best Months for Warm Weather: November to March are the ideal months to visit if you're looking for warm, sunny days. During this season, the average temperature hovers around 29°C, perfect for beach activities and exploring the town.
  2. Rainfall Considerations: These months also boast minimal rainfall, with an average of just 5mm per month. You'll enjoy clear skies and dry weather, making it easier to schedule any day-trips or outdoor adventures without the worry of rain disruptions.
  3. Optimal Daily Conditions: The day-to-day weather consistency during these months provides reliability for planning. Whether you're interested in surfing, sunbathing, or visiting local markets, the steady weather conditions enhance your daily experience.
  4. Strategic Seasonal Planning: By choosing to visit in these months, you avoid the sporadic showers that start in May and the peak-season crowds. This strategic timing not only ensures better weather but also smoother travel and leisure activities around Puerto Escondido.


To enjoy the best weather in Puerto Escondido, plan your visit between November and April. This dry season offers consistent sunshine and minimal rainfall, ideal for beach activities and exploration.

You'll find the most pleasant daily temperatures during this period, allowing for uninterrupted enjoyment of local attractions. Keep in mind, this is also peak tourist season, leading to higher accommodation prices.

For optimal experience, book early and prepare for crowds, especially around major holidays and weekends.